Wedding Planning & Coordination in Columbia, MO | Plan it Terra

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An Saint Louis Engagement | Amanda + Lucas

It is thanks for college friends that Amanda and Lucas’ paths crossed. A simple mutual friend get-together led to these two getting acquainted, and their infatuation for each other was apparent from the beginning; really, it took one date for beer and wings for these two to become inseparable.

Amanda and Lucas’ union as husband and wife will be held at the recently renovated hotel, The Last Hotel, which is located on Washington Ave in downtown Saint Louis, Missouri. In fact, this cool, contemporary venue is located right next to The City Museum! The venue and creative team will do an entire room flip to transition the top level ballroom from ceremony to reception, where Amanda and Lucas will celebrate the night away. They have hired an outstanding team of vendors to execute their wedding day so that they can fully celebrate their wedding day. We have several more weeks before we celebrate, so call us eagerly waiting in joyful anticipation.

Amanda and Lucas shared with us some details about their proposal, how the selected The Last Hotel as their wedding venue, and so much more. Be sure to keep reading to hear more about their engagement and their wedding planning strategy.

Tell me about how you met.

We met in college, we both went to Ole Miss. We had a mutual friends, and one day Lucas and his friend were over at my house. Lucas asked who's jeep was outside and i said mine. He caught my eye and i guess i caught his because about a week later we all went out together and had a really great night. We started hanging out after that, we went on our first date to get beer and wings! The rest is history!

Who proposed? Tell me about it!

Lucas proposed! We went on our annual trip to Whitefish, Montana. After skiing all day his dad said to meet them at the house for drinks before dinner. They had to run into town before so we just went to the house. When we walked in there was music playing and a bunch of candles lit. My first thought was "why would Greta leave all these candles lit when no one is here, fire hazard much" So we go upstairs and are just hanging out having a beer. Then Lucas gets up walks around the kitchen and asks "what do you think these things are?" Referring to the old farm equipment on the fireplace. So i get up, walk to the fire place and say it is just old farm equipment. As i turn around he is on one knee, with a ring and asked me to marry him. I was in total shock. I said YES of course.

About 10 minutes later he says, "Can Dad and Greta come up now, they are hiding in the garage!"

All of out college friends came in the next day and Lucas gave a speech to them along the lines of "thank you for all being here, not just for the friends reunion but also Amanda and I are engaged!"

How did you pick The last hotel as your wedding venue?

We wanted a hotel so that everything was in the same place. Ceremony, reception and no hassle with transportation. The Last Hotel has such a cool vibe, we loved the roof top and that it was in downtown STL.

How did you find all of your vendors?

Mostly from word of mouth or i did a lot of researching on I read a lot of reviews and vetted out which ones fit us the best.

So far, what aspect of planning has been the most enjoyable?

Just slowly putting everything together and think what it will all be like on that big day!

Do you have any advice for recently engaged couples?

Give yourself plenty of time to research and find the things that mean the most to you. If it means something to you, make it happen!

Communication is a big one, make sure you communicate anything and everything you want!

What are you most excited about for the day of the wedding?

Sharing this special moment with family and friends!

what are three words to describe the feel of your upcoming wedding?

Ecstatic, fabulous and ready to party!

What made you decide to hire a planner?

Lucas and I are big planners. We like everything to run smooth and exactly (for the most part) how we planned them to go. I do not want that responsibility on my wedding day for me, my mom or my 2 mother in laws. Plus none of us have every planned and wedding so i didn't want to miss things and then be scrambling the week before.

Hey, I’m Terra!

Born and raised in Missouri, I’m a grateful wife and dog mom to my rescue pups, Hildi & Lola. I’m a true believer in the pursuit of bold dreams, learning from mistakes, and staying curious.

I'm a girl that lives in her Chacos during the summer, and I'm typically always wearing lipstick. Yes, red is my preference! When I'm not helping engaged couples plan weddings, you'll find me on stage teaching Jazzercise classes. Needless to say, creating engaging experiences that leave people feeling good afterwards is my passion. Seriously!

I’ve created this blog and my wedding packages to empower you to plan an awesome wedding day and put all of the stress and obligations straight into the dumpster! Now that sounds like a party.