A Saint Louis Engagement | Megan + Jason


A classic sitcom goes by the name, “Father Knows Best,” which implies that the father figure in our lives generally knows what’s best. For Megan, her father knew that introducing her to Jason at his other daughter’s wedding was a smart decision. Now, Megan and Jason plan to celebrate their own marriage this summer.

Megan and Jason’s union as husband and wife will be held at Emerson Fields Wedding Venue. Afterwards, they’ll celebrate with their loved ones while one of our favorite dj teams, High Class DJs, brings the house down. They have hired an outstanding team of vendors to execute their wedding day so that they can fully celebrate their wedding day. We have several more weeks before we celebrate, so call us eagerly waiting in joyful anticipation.

Megan and Jason shared with us some details about their proposal, how the selected Emerson Fields as their wedding venue, and so much more. Be sure to keep reading to hear more about their engagement and their wedding planning strategy.


Tell me about how you met.

My dad introduced us at my sister's wedding

Who proposed? Tell me about it!

Jason and I went on a trip to Arches. We watched the sunrise, and it was super freezing this day. We walked up to the delicate arch. Jason was wanting to hang out longer than we normally would, which I thought was super weird. I was overlooking at something else, and when I turned around, I saw Jason down on one knee. This old cute random couple started clapping.

How did you pick Emerson Fields as your wedding venue?

All the amenities and options available to us at this one location!

How did you find all of your vendors?

We found most of our vendors through Emerson Fields’ vendor recommendations or your (Plan it Terra’s) recommendations list.

So far, what aspect of planning has been the most enjoyable?


Do you have any advice for recently engaged couples?

Plan early! It sounds silly, but the earlier you begin the planning process the more time you have to talk to all of your number 1 vendors.

What are you most excited about for the day of the wedding?

About finally doing the dang thing (lol). Just kidding. The food and memories are what I am looking forward to the most.

what are three words to describe the feel of your upcoming wedding?

Romantic. Sleek. Inviting.

What made you decide to hire a planner?

Organization & handling logistics of big day.


Hey, I’m Terra!

Born and raised in Missouri, I’m a grateful wife and dog mom to my rescue pups, Hildi & Lola. I’m a true believer in the pursuit of bold dreams, learning from mistakes, and staying curious.

I'm a girl that lives in her Chacos during the summer, and I'm typically always wearing lipstick. Yes, red is my preference! When I'm not helping engaged couples plan weddings, you'll find me on stage teaching Jazzercise classes. Needless to say, creating engaging experiences that leave people feeling good afterwards is my passion. Seriously!

I’ve created this blog and my wedding packages to empower you to plan an awesome wedding day and put all of the stress and obligations straight into the dumpster! Now that sounds like a party.


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