Wedding Planning & Coordination in Columbia, MO | Plan it Terra

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Wedding Planning Myths: Wedding Parties

Photography by Lindsey Pantaleo Photography

Don’t fall for these myths!

I’m talking about wedding myths that exist regarding your wedding party. Whether you’ve realized it or not, you have in your head expectations regarding your wedding party. I suspect that some of these myths that you’ve found yourself believing are creating a lot of unnecessary stress. Friend, I am here to debunk those myths and encourage you to really consider how these myths are impacting your decisions. You have permission to look beyond some of these traditional views pertaining to wedding parties.

Myth #1 - You have to have an even number on either side.

EEK! Okay, if you’re like me, you like symmetry. Balance. However, do not let an uneven number stress you out. Don’t start scrolling through your friend list going, “Gah! Who else can I ask so my numbers are even.” Let it go. 

When “sides” are uneven and energy is focused on that fact, it is possible that your partner may have feelings of inadequacy or self-doubt. "Why do I not have as many friends? Is something wrong with me?” Remove the focus on numbers, and focus on the quality of those you’ve asked to be part of your special day.

If you’re concerned about the ceremony processional, you could have everyone process in by themselves. You could even double-up your escorts. At my wedding, I had two of my bridesmaids escorted by one of his groomsmen (well, his only groomswoman)!

Photography by Lighter Focus

Myth #2 - You have to have people of the same gender on your side.

Nope. Nope. Nope. This myth has got to go away. For example: if you’re a bride, and want your brother as your honorary person - do it! Just because you are a female or you are a male, doesn't not mean that everyone who stands on your side has to be the same as you! You can get really fun with the outfit combinations when you have mixed genders or keep everything classic and elegant, just like Zoe did for her wedding (photo below!).

Photography by Black Coffee Photo Co.

Myth #3 - Everyone must wear match

While I do think that this is more of an aesthetic preference, I just have to say that all of your bridesmaids or groomsmen (or whoever) have to wear the same outfits. I love the eclectic mix of outfits that Michelle’s bridesmaids wore at her October celebration. She chose a mix of solid colors and patterned dresses, which put together, look cohesive.

If you decide to do mix and match, this also opens up the opportunity for your wedding party to pick an outfit that is in their budget or something that they really love and makes them feel good wearing.

Photograph by Monphotography

Myth #4 - Everyone in the wedding party must be in the same age group

Certainly, when the wedding party is of the same age group, a lot of fun can be had. However, there are no rules to have a mixed range of ages within your party. Your wedding party could include close friends, a parent, perhaps a younger sibling, or even a childhood neighbor who greatly influenced your life. For Ben, he had his father as his Best Man.

I will say this: you might try to avoid having someone too young or even too old in your group. There could be concerns with standing for a prolonged period of time.

Photography by Kelsi Kliethermes Associate Photographer, Karson

Myth #5 - You have to have a wedding party

I would say most couples choose to have a wedding party if they have an actual wedding; I would say that they are less common at elopements. However, even if you have a big wedding celebration, you don’t have to have a wedding party at all. Or, you could choose to have one honorary person on your side and an honorary person on your future spouse’s side. Either way, your wedding day will not suffer if you choose to not have a wedding party.

I will say that there is such a thing as too many people in your wedding party. It becomes difficult to try and squeeze everyone into a photo or even have everyone visible when standing for the ceremony. You also have to think about your reception layout and the head table. Logistics can become a bit more challenging with a bigger wedding party. You can still sort the details, but it just requires a bit of finesse.

Photography by AH Photo

Hey, I’m Terra!

Born and raised in Missouri, I’m a grateful wife and dog mom to my rescue pups, Hildi & Lola. I’m a true believer in the pursuit of bold dreams, learning from mistakes, and staying curious.

I'm a girl that lives in her Chacos during the summer, and I'm typically always wearing lipstick. Yes, red is my preference! When I'm not helping engaged couples plan weddings, you'll find me on stage teaching Jazzercise classes. Needless to say, creating engaging experiences that leave people feeling good afterwards is my passion. Seriously!

I’ve created this blog and my wedding packages to empower you to plan an awesome wedding day and put all of the stress and obligations straight into the dumpster! Now that sounds like a party.