An Engagement Session at Sorenson Estates | Nell + Donnie


One of the most special parts of life is all about the people we encounter. I have always had the attitude that every person matters and every interaction counts. Relationships matter and even a small conversation can be significant. When Nell reached out to me inquiring about my planning services, it felt like my heart smiled. Weird, right? But Nell is one of those relationships from my past that is incredibly significant. I won’t go into all of the details, but I have known Nell since she was a sophomore in high school and I a sophomore in college. In fact, I had what I would consider a close relationship with her because, well, I was one of her Young Life leaders in high school, which meant I spent much of my free time attending softball games, spending a week at camp with her, and experiencing some incredibly raw moments together.

Enough about that though because both she and I have grown a tremendous amount in the last 7 years, and my oh my how this sweet friend has grown up into a lovely woman who is going to get MARRIED. Nell and Donnie met during a time in their lives where they both sought healing and renewal. Their similar experiences created an intense bond, and we are so excited for them that they’ve chosen to get married and spend their days together. Is that enough sap?

To learn more about Nell and Donnie and hear a bit more about their planning experience, be sure to keep reading.

Our team is counting down the final weeks leading to their October wedding day, which will be hosted at Sorenson Estates in Columbia, Missouri. Many thanks to Savannah Terry Photography for sharing these images with our team!


Tell me about how you and donnie met.

Donnie & I met when we were both going through a lot. We both got sober in the same treatment center. I was 19, and he was 21. We were friends for 3 ish years before he asked me out.

Who proposed? Tell me about it!

Donnie proposed! It was July of 2020, and I had been working from home for a couple of months (I was working at, what I thought was my dream job). I went to meet my boss at a park near my house for an outside meeting to stay socially distanced due to COVID. I found out at that meeting that I was actually being laid off. As I was walking home from the park, I realized that I could be REALLY upset, and freak out, or accept it, and move on. I chose to accept it.

When I got home, Donnie was in the living room - he was off work due to COVID too. I sat down on the couch and explained the situation to him. We were both equally bummed out about the situation. After I broke the news to him, he went into our bedroom, and came back out, got on one knee, and proposed to me while I was still sweating from walking home from the hot Missouri heat!

Long story short, he REALLY changed the day around for me, but it was extremely emotional none-the-less. (Side note: I always knew I would say yes if he asked me).

How did you pick sorenson estates your wedding venue?

We looked at one other place besides Sorenson. We wanted a venue that felt like us, without having to do a lot of work or use a lot of props to make it "ours." After seeing Sorenson Estate, we KNEW it fit our vibe perfectly.

How did you find all of your vendors?

Through word of mouth mostly.

So far, what aspect of planning has been the most enjoyable?

Checking things off the list - and realizing I can't do it all myself. So other people's help has been the most enjoyable :)

Do you have any advice for recently engaged couples?

Slow down! Make a couple of hours a month to sit down and check the to-do list. Don't feel like you have to do it all at once! Saving a notepad or Pinterest board to keep all your ideas as you go is so helpful! Reach out to friends/family and ask what they did if you are feeling stressed, or don't know what to do!

What are you most excited about for the day of the wedding?

To get ready the morning of the wedding with all our best friends and family around, and the first look when we walk down the aisle!

what are three words to describe the feel of your upcoming wedding?

Excited, passionate, joyful.

What made you decide to hire a planner?

I knew from the start that I couldn't plan this whole thing by myself. I'm a "checklist" kind of person, so I knew that having someone to guide me and keep me on track, would be beneficial, and cut down on our stress!


Hey, I’m Terra!

Born and raised in Missouri, I’m a grateful wife and dog mom to my rescue pups, Hildi & Lola. I’m a true believer in the pursuit of bold dreams, learning from mistakes, and staying curious.

I'm a girl that lives in her Chacos during the summer, and I'm typically always wearing lipstick. Yes, red is my preference! When I'm not helping engaged couples plan weddings, you'll find me on stage teaching Jazzercise classes. Needless to say, creating engaging experiences that leave people feeling good afterwards is my passion. Seriously!

I’ve created this blog and my wedding packages to empower you to plan an awesome wedding day and put all of the stress and obligations straight into the dumpster! Now that sounds like a party.


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