Loose Park Spring Engagement in Kansas City, MO | Callie + Jack


Loose Park in Kansas City, Missouri was the most fitting engagement photo location for Jack and Callie. It is as stunning as this couple. I first met with Callie at the beginning of 2021, and I knew from the get-go that she was beyond delighted to get married to Jack. Callie’s face lit up when speaking about how they met, and as she described the vision for their wedding, I knew she was imaging a celebration full of intentional and powerful moments. Not too often does our team get to know both the bride and the groom so well, but it has been a great pleasure working with BOTH of them to plan their wedding. These two will exchange their vows this July at Emerson Fields, a beautiful all-white venue located in Macon, Missouri.

To learn more about why they chose their wedding venue and to read some of their advice for newly engaged couples, be sure to keep scrolling down.

Our team has been busy leading planning meetings, sourcing vendors, and organizing all of the logistics. We’re excited to finish up their timeline, finalize decor orders, and so much more. Many thanks to Ashley Ice Photography for sharing these images with our team; you captured these sweet spirits perfectly.


Tell me about how the two of you met.

Jack and Callie's love story started almost a year before actually connecting. Jack had recently moved to Columbia, Missouri to begin his General Surgery Residency at the University Hospital. One of his first steps of settling into his new town was to find a church home. His search led him to the Crossing. As God would have it, Callie also attended the Crossing and considered it her church home. Both decided to initiate the process of becoming a member and enrolled for the Membership Class.

During one of the classes, Callie eyed a really cute guy a few rows ahead. She kept an eye out for him each week, but never was quite brave enough to introduce herself. Over the next year, they saw each other at church on several occasions. Again, the moment was never right.

Then one Sunday afternoon in early August, Jack reached out to Callie through the dating app, Hinge. Callie's heart immediately jumped when she saw it was "the Jack" from church! After an initial first date, they hit it off and have been inseparable ever since. God's timing in their love story was perfect, as always, and things quickly progressed to a serious relationship. Very early on, it was apparent to them that they had found their soulmate, the one God had created specially for them.

Who proposed? Tell me about it!

Jack proposed! He had a very sweet trail of notes that led Callie to all of our favorite spots around Columbia. Each location had candles, roses, and the next clue. Jack proposed in our home with flower petals and candles every where and our song playing in the background

How did you pick your wedding venue - emerson fields?

We chose it because it was elegant and beautiful. It gave us a chapel feeling and allowed us to have both the ceremony and reception on site.

How did you find all of your vendors?

We are working on that with you! Through instagram and recommendations by you mostly.

So far, what aspect of planning has been the most enjoyable?

Seeing our concepts come to life.

Do you have any advice for recently engaged couples?

Hire a planner!

What are you most excited about for the day of the wedding?

Seeing each other for the first time!

what are three words to describe the feel of your upcoming wedding?

Excitement, Joy, and Eager!

What made you decide to hire a planner?

We knew our busy schedule and time frame of the wedding would be difficult to manage on our own.


Hey, I’m Terra!

Born and raised in Missouri, I’m a grateful wife and dog mom to my rescue pups, Hildi & Lola. I’m a true believer in the pursuit of bold dreams, learning from mistakes, and staying curious.

I'm a girl that lives in her Chacos during the summer, and I'm typically always wearing lipstick. Yes, red is my preference! When I'm not helping engaged couples plan weddings, you'll find me on stage teaching Jazzercise classes. Needless to say, creating engaging experiences that leave people feeling good afterwards is my passion. Seriously!

I’ve created this blog and my wedding packages to empower you to plan an awesome wedding day and put all of the stress and obligations straight into the dumpster! Now that sounds like a party.


Anne + Nathan | A Colorful Garden Party Inspired Wedding at Blue Bell Farm in Fayette, Missouri


Pierce + Ploen | Sentimental Spring Wedding at St. Francis Xavier College Church and The Mcpherson, St. Louis, MO