A Missouri Engagement | Allyson + Jake


Allyson and Jake are simply the cool kids in town. No seriously; these two are legit. Though Allyson says she is nervous for the wedding day, we know that it is going to be beautiful, cool, classy, and exciting.

Allyson and Jake came to us a few months prior to their wedding ready to get some help getting to the finish line. With the majority of their vendors booked, we’ve assisted them with a bit of planning and, of course, leading the charge with logistics. These two will exchange their vows this fall at The Millbottom, an industrial wedding venue located in downtown Jefferson City, Missouri.

To hear more about Allyson + Jake and learn a bit more about their planning experience, be sure to read their engagement questionnaire!

Many thanks to our amazingly talented vendor friend, Amber Koelling Photography for sharing these images with our team! We love this engagement shoot; it was tough to narrow down our favorites.


Tell me about how you and Jake met.

Jake and I met our senior year of high school when his family moved from Enid OK to Jefferson City MO. We were fast friends and continued that friendship through college until we became more than friends!

Who proposed? Tell me about it!

Jake proposed. We were on a weekend little vacation in Branson with my family. Due to a vacation that was happening soon after in Hawaii, I had to get my second covid vaccination while we were in Branson to make sure I had it for the required time before we left for Hawaii. I woke up on that Saturday feeling like absolute CRAP, but Jake had a plan and he stuck to it. He gave me a little speech and asked me to marry him in our room at the air bnb LOL.

How did you pick The millbottom as your wedding venue?

Location and style! Most of our immediate families live in Jeff City, and we'd been to a wedding at the Millbottom before and loved it!

How did you find all of your vendors?

Referrals, word of mouth, and social media.

So far, what aspect of planning has been the most enjoyable?

Getting to see our vision come to life bit by bit has been the most enjoyable!

Do you have any advice for recently engaged couples?

Hire Terra and her team earlier than 4 months before your wedding (LOL). But really, to try and make the best of each step and really enjoy it because it should be a fun and exciting time. Also, don't be afraid to make your voice heard and ask for what you want!

What are you most excited about for the day of the wedding?

Seeing all of the people we love in one place and getting to celebrate our relationship!

What are three words to describe the feel of your upcoming wedding?

Excited, nervous, and READY

What made you decide to hire a planner?

I was able to get most of the "big" items taken care of, but when it came to the second half of the process I wasn't confident we were going to be able to get exactly what we want without some professional help. I also wanted to have someone professional come in and make sure we finish out these last 4 months smoothly and getting exactly what we want.


Hey, I’m Terra!

Born and raised in Missouri, I’m a grateful wife and dog mom to my rescue pups, Hildi & Lola. I’m a true believer in the pursuit of bold dreams, learning from mistakes, and staying curious.

I'm a girl that lives in her Chacos during the summer, and I'm typically always wearing lipstick. Yes, red is my preference! When I'm not helping engaged couples plan weddings, you'll find me on stage teaching Jazzercise classes. Needless to say, creating engaging experiences that leave people feeling good afterwards is my passion. Seriously!

I’ve created this blog and my wedding packages to empower you to plan an awesome wedding day and put all of the stress and obligations straight into the dumpster! Now that sounds like a party.


Kelly + David | A Classic Country Club Wedding in Jefferson City, Missouri


An Engagement Session at Wildcliff Events | Sarah + Ross